Learn the Tools!

by | Mar 8, 2013 | Updates & Opportunities | 7 comments

I just finished up a little project for the 2014 CEF Calendar. The big name badge needed edited out in Photoshop. Ever tried to do anything like this before?Waving Boy (photo courtesy of CEF of Georgia)

It certainly took some time, but stuff like this is easy to fix once you know how to use the powerful tools Photoshop has to offer. Perspective crop, the clone tool, clipping masks, and curve adjustment layers all played into making this kind of editing possible. Want to learn how to use them?

Waving Boy edited  (photo courtesy of CEF of Georgia)

I’m heading off to Indianapolis to help teach Desktop Publishing II at Verity Institute from March 18-22. I’m not sure if there are any more seats left for this class, but I do recommend checking out their website to learn how to sign up. They are a blast!

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  1. Rachel Crosswhite

    Wow, you did a good job editing it! 🙂

  2. Daniel Hancock

    Nice job editing. We will be missing each other by about a week and a half. I left Verity on Friday. 🙁 Hope you have a great time teaching!

    • James Staddon

      That’s too bad. Enjoy your time at home!

  3. Caleb Mellas

    Great job James. Photoshop really has some amazing tools for editing photos. The only thing I tell people to remember is that you need to start with a ‘relatively good’ photo in order to create something beautiful.

    • James Staddon

      You are exactly right; PS can’t make a bad picture a good one. Thanks for your comment, Caleb!

  4. Esther

    That is really good. I do wish I could do that.

    • James Staddon

      Keep hanging around brother Robert long enough and you just might be able to one day. 🙂 That’s how I got started!


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