Would you like to have a voice in the creation of the 2014 Lenspiration calendar? I’ve selected around 60 of my best recent images, but now I need help narrowing them down to the top 12 that are suitable for a calendar.
For the next week or so, you can cast your vote and give your input on the pictures you like best. Which are your favorite? Which pictures go with which months of the year? What do you think should be the front cover image? Even a simple FB Like or G+ will help me determine which photos are more popular than others.
Looking forward to hearing each and every on of your comments!
James, IMHO it isn’t just the beautiful picture that makes a calendar -it also needs to match with an image of the month eg. I love to see pictures on a Dec calendar page that represent Christmas. Didn’t you have a December calendar page that had a picture of your family’s snow covered home at night w/the windows glowing with light? I loved the warmth that picture represented -so in line with Christmas being a time for family and loved ones to gather and celebrate our Savior’s birth. In my mind it was a great match between a highlight of the month and a great photo that matched it.
God Bless!
Excellent thought, and well said. That is certainly one of many factors to keep in mind, and shall not be forgotten!