More Than Snapshots

by | Sep 17, 2013 | Updates & Opportunities | 3 comments

I felt like there were enough good shots from my quick stop in San Diego to use a few as wallpapers. I like to have a different wallpaper on my computer desktop every few weeks, and it certainly has been a few since posting any new ones. So, there’s plenty to choose from!

Ocean Entrance
Download as Desktop Background

3943_JAS_San Diego-California-USA W

Eventides Approach
Download as Desktop Background

3752_JAS_San Diego-California-USA W

Palace Pathway
Download as Desktop Background

3858_JAS_San Diego-California-USA W

It’s intriguing to me how good pictures are created, not discovered. A walk through the various parts of San Diego during the middle of the day wouldn’t seem to offer a landscape photographer much to take pictures of. But later in the day, when the lighting is right, and something unique catches my eye, I take it as a challenge to see what I can come up with, even if it doesn’t seem that grand at first glance. It never comes together easily, but over time you learn different things so that good shots don’t have to take a long time. For each of these three shots, I simply applied a few depth perception tools, utilized the creative aspects of the exposure trio, and consciously eliminated distractions to make them look different than the normal snapshot. I am looking forward to sharing more in depth how you too can turn snapshots into “wow” pictures in the CAPTURE Kansas workshop next month. You’d be surprised at how the most boring places can suddenly be transformed into colorful artwork!

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  1. Sarah

    Thank you for sharing these photos (and all the others too :D)

    I’ve recently begun following your blog, and am learning so much from it!

    Many thanks!

    • James Staddon

      Glad you’re learning a lot! I follow other people’s blogs too for the very same reason. 🙂

  2. Olivia Marie Meggs

    Very pretty! Thanks for sharing!
    May God continue to bless your efforts.


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