Free eBook!

by | May 10, 2014 | Updates & Opportunities | 0 comments


Let me introduce you to my first eBook ever! 10 Camera Settings Every Photographer Should Know . . . Instinctively is a concise compilation of what I’ve found to be the foundation for making the most of your SLR camera. Subscribe to the Lenspiration updates to receive your free copy!

Before I take any one picture, I take into consideration every single one of the 10 camera settings presented in this little book. Some more often than others, of course, but I still do take each one into account because they all do something very important in the process of capturing the perfect picture. How well do you know your camera? Do you know how to make important changes well enough to change them without having to give it much thought? Instinctively? There are millions of books and articles out there on basic photography; there’s an overload of information that can be overwhelming. Let this little book be your field guide. Let it give you just what you need to get started in your quest for making the most of your camera!

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