In case you haven’t already noticed, the new has been launched. The Lenspiration community can now begin!
The appearance of the blog, the store, the portfolio, the wallpapers page . . . everything has been updated. Exciting times! But what makes me most excited is the integration of the new Community Forums.
Instead of having to email me questions, you can now start asking questions through the community forums. Not only does it simplify the question/answer process, it gives you the benefit of getting more than my own perspective by learning from the experience of everyone else in the community. For now, it’s free to register for an account to begin adding your comments to the forum!
Another element about the forum that I’m excited about is the ability for members of the community to to upload their pictures for critique. Have you ever been amazed at what other people see in your pictures that you’ve never notice? Do you get in a rut sometimes and wish you could tap into other photographer’s creativity? I certainly have! In fact, I’ve added some of my pictures to the forum too. Looking back over the years, I would have to say that critique has been one of the most valuable aspects of my development as a photographer.
Beyond the forum, I really think the new structure for the workshops pages is totally awesome. You’ll have to visit the new page to see what I mean.
Making everything look new and fresh meant making a lot of changes, so if you happen across any misspelled words, broken links or other errors let me know through the new . . . obviously . . . Contact page!
It looks great James! Very exciting!
James, this looks amazing! I’m so excited!!! 🙂