Can You Make Any Camera Work?

by | Mar 16, 2017 | Updates & Opportunities | 0 comments

What if you were to quit using your DSLR? Would the photos you take with low-end cameras still be great? Are you owning the role of photographer, or are you just relying on features or gadgets to make up for your lack of creative vision?

m&M_VA mason neck

This is the subject of the latest Making the Most of Your Vacation video episode, Proof You Can Use Any Camera For Great Pictures!

It’s the photographer, not the camera, that takes great pictures. If all you have is an old or small camera, you’ll never be discouraged if you know how to capitalize on the many other factors in the equation.

This training video is PRO-exclusive, which means that if you would like to follow me around in Mason Neck State Park, Virginia, as I explore what factors play into making a great shot while discussing the practical differences between multiple types of cameras, you have to be an active PRO member. If you don’t know what that means, click here to find out what it takes to go PRO.

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