11 Tips From My Photography Trip To California

by | Jul 25, 2017 | Tips & Tricks | 0 comments

You might say it was cheating on the last trip …

It was to California, a true vacation of backpacking, hammocking, pristine wilderness, alpine vistas, epic sunsets, snow-capped mountain…yeah, who needs to be a pro to get awesome pictures with surroundings like that? (Of course, I disagree with that reasoning, but now is not the time to refute this non-photographer train of thought).

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Black Butte At Dusk

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But this next trip…which actually starts tomorrow!…is going to be a different story. A multi-week business trip through the plains of the Midwest—from West Virginia to Texas and back again—with two weddings, some potential gigs and a lot of regular office work on the itinerary. Could such a trip ever earn the description of “epic”?

I aim to make it so. We’ll have to see!

If you’d like to follow along, I’ll plan to post a photography tip every day on my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts for the next 20 days!

And if you missed the 11 tips from California, let me share them again below (forgive the low quality images, they’re snapshots from my phone; it’s very seldom I actually have the time to download and edit a picture the day I actually took it). Enjoy!

Tip 1Tip 2Tip 3Tip 4Tip 5Tip 6Tip 7Tip 8Tip 9Tip 10Tip 11

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