Ever Heard of the “Glowy Effect”?

by | Dec 7, 2017 | Tips & Tricks | 0 comments

Ever heard of the “glowy effect”?

If you haven’t, that’s ok because, well, I just sorta made it up the other day. Winking smile

For the current Shoot to Serve assignment, Glowing Sunlight, I simply didn’t know how to clearly explain the effect I was envisioning would be an awesome way to shoot this assignment.

So I came up with “glowy effect”. What do you say, sound photographically creative enough?

Whatever it’s actually called, I couldn’t find a good article online that explained how to shoot it in a wholesome way. So, I decided to make my own little video about! It’s listed as the “Related Training Video” for the Glowing Sunlight assignment and will only be available to non-PRO members for as long as the assignment is open:

topic - lens flare (play)

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