Re-Thinking “Dark” and “Light”

by | Dec 11, 2017 | Perspective | 0 comments

Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a photographer, I’m sure we’ve all taken pictures during special events of one sort or another! And whether it was a holiday celebration, a birthday party, a wedding reception (anything festivity-related), I’m guessing it was probably indoors. Celebrations are indoors most of the time, right? Which means the majority of the time you are probably shooting these events under “indoor lighting”.

160806-JAS-6982_Mt. Hebron Baptist Church, West Virginia, USA_Canon EOS 5D Mark II 50 mm 1-100 sec at f - 2.0 ISO 1000

So, lets say we whip out our cameras and go to take a picture of the brightly decorated Christmas-afternoon dinner table under that typical indoor lighting, and I suddenly say, “wow, don’t you think it’s dark in here?” you’d probably say, “um…” (perplexed face) “…not really…”

And you’d be right…comparatively speaking. Compared to the darkness of a cave, yes, it would be very bright in that dining room. But compared to outside, sorry, I’d be right.

But how does a camera “see”? Would the dining room be “light” or “dark” according to the camera?

And that’s the question I tackle in the latest Photography Moment on the 120th episode of the Sharpening Character podcast!

episode 102

150428-JAS-6451_Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, USA_Canon EOS 5D Mark II 20 mm 1.3 sec at f - 4.0 ISO 800

Listen to the episode now at!

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