Playing With A New Perspective

by | Nov 16, 2018 | Assignments, Tips & Tricks | 2 comments

The kind of mood you want viewers to feel when they look at your photo begins with how you decide to frame up your shot. There's a lot of power behind the perspective you decide to shoot from!

The other day, as I was thinking about how to best shoot the newly launched Shoot to Serve photo assignment, I thought it would be fun to experiment with the unique camera angle, "Looking Up":


Going deeper

Regardless of what camera angle you shoot from, you'll probably run into issues of noise in your photo like I did on this photoshoot.

Here's one of the photos I thought held some potential:

181023-James Staddon_063656

I intentionally underexposed it so I could get the nice color in the sky. I figured I could pull out the shadows in post processing.

And I did. Here's the edited photo:

181023-James Staddon_063656-2

It definitely looks better edited. However, if you zoom in to 100%, you'll notice that, even though it was shot at ISO 100, there’s a lot of noise from the edit:

181023-James Staddon_063656 (100zoom)

At 100%, it doesn’t look very nice. Thankfully, noise reduction tools can take care of this problem while still keeping it sharp, as you can see here in the final image:

181023-James Staddon_063656-2

181023-James Staddon_063656 (100zoom-reduced)

To watch the 5-step process that I use when reducing noise in my photos, plus learn about the difference between noise and grain, which situations noise reduction is needed, principles to follow when reducing noise, and ballpark numbers I recommend you use when reducing noise in your images, anyone in The Click can watch the new training video, How I Apply Noise Reduction to My Photos. It’s an important step in the professional photographer’s post-processing workflow!

noise reduction (play)

Now it’s your turn!

At any rate, back to the photo assignment! It doesn’t matter what kind of camera you have, anyone can shoot “Looking Up”. Get the assignment details below and then see what you can come up with!

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  1. Caitlin Compton

    This was a fun video! Glad I’m not the only one that gets down at all types angles for the perfect shot. 😀 Looking forward to shooting the assignment!



  1. The Search For A Pipe Organ - Lenspiration - […] Shooting wide open isn’t the only thing that calls for some sharpening. Reducing noise can also make a photo…

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