Photography Team Evaluation "*" indicates required fields What is the first day of the event you're attending?*This helps Lenspiration know which Photography Team you'll be attending MM slash DD slash YYYY Name*If multiple family members are signed up for the same Photography Team, submit this entire evaluation multiple times, once per person First Last Email*Best email for contacting the photographer before/after the Photography Team PhoneBest number for communicating with the photographer via text during the Photography TeamHave you completed the Foundations of Photography Course?*If you are not sure how to answer this question, see (password: PhotographyTeam) Yes No Please explain why you have not completed the Course*Have you submitted a Photographers Consent & Release?*If you are not sure how to answer this question, see (password: PhotographyTeam) Yes Other Where can some of your photos be viewed online?*Provide a link to a website, portfolio, online album, Facebook, Instagram, etc. or just type in "none".What camera gear you'll be bringing?*What you will be bringing to edit photos with?*What program(s) will you be using to edit your photos with?*Would you like to be updated about other Lenspiration opportunities? Photo Assignments Live Webinars New Blog Posts Photography Mission Trips Photography Field Days PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.