Assignment Details: Picturesque Places

Learn to Shoot the Assignment

On Assignment: Picturesque Places

On Assignment: Picturesque Places

Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been? Did you snap a high-quality photo or two while you were there? If so, you may already have some prime material for this month’s assignment! Or perhaps there’s a picturesque spot nearby you’ve always wanted to...

Assignment Deadline: July 27, 2024








Who We’re Shooting for

What They Need

More locations added to the Lenspiration Scouting Guide map.


We're looking to greatly expand Lenspiration's Scouting Guide . . . the place where photographers can glean, store, and share important field notes about photogenic locations in North America mostly, but also in other places around the world.

As you and other photographers store field notes on the map, the Lenspiration Scouting Guide will make online scouting and research a whole lot easier and time-efficient for other photographers, beginner or pro!

Find a location of photographic value, take some quality photos, record scrupulous field notes about the location, and then submit everything together using the instructions below.

Note: all submitted locations are reviewed by the Lenspiration Team to make sure they only include relevant and helpful content.


Important Notes:

  • Locations do not need to be specific to landscape photography only. Is there a specific location that's guaranteed to be great for wildlife photography? What about portraiture? Architecture? A historic spot? The only requirement is that there must be something at that exact location of photographic interest.
  • You may pull photos from your portfolio. Just be sure to submit comprehensive field notes with those photos as well.
  • The more locations you submit, the better!
  • The more photos you submit with each location, the better too! However, do not submit unnecessary excess; cull your photos down to include only ones that are artistic and give a well-rounded sense of the location. Maximum number of photos submited with each location is 20; minimum requirement is 1.
  • Submit artistic photos that would inspire folks to want to come to that location! We're not just documenting pins on a map . . . we're encouraging exploration of a place of potential. However, feel free to also submit photos that would assist photographers in getting to the right spot, such as trailheads or helpful landmarks.
  • Be specific with your field notes! For example, don't just put “Washington, D.C.”. Rather, add the “Lincoln Memorial” or "View of Capitol Building from [xyz street]". Provide precise GPS coordinates if necessary. Rather than "Clifty Falls State Park", give the specific overlook in the park where your photos were taken.

Orientation: All aspect ratios are fine.

Photo Specs: All images must be taken by you. 2MB file size limit, 1920px longest edge recommended. Unobtrusive watermarks are fine. Please upload JPG files only. Edit photos tastefully and true to life.

Assignment Awards: There will be 5 different categories that submissions will be judged in, with 1 award per category. You can only win in 1 category. You do not need to be a Lenspiration member to win! Each winner will receive lifetime access to the Lenspiration Scouting Guide ($49 value for non-members, $24.50 value for Members).

  • Category 1: Most Iconic Location - What's that amazing spot that should be included in every photographer's bucket list? That's an "iconic" location. In your description, give good, comprehensive details on where specifically to go.
  • Category 2: Best Field Notes - Entries will be judged based on how comprehensive, helpful, & understandable the field notes are.
  • Category 3: Most Unique Location - What place can you share that is most out of the ordinary? While waterfalls, overlooks, covered bridges, and lakes make excellent submissions for the Scouting Guide (and can most certainly win in other categories!), can you share a place that offers particularly unique features?
  • Category 4: Most Epic Photo – The photo must include good composition, good lighting, and must be well edited.
  • Category 5: Largest Number of Locations Submitted - There's no limit to the amount of locations you can submit for this assignment, so go all out!

Submit your Photos & Field Notes

Required: Submit your photos and field notes to the Scouting Guide using this form. You may submit up to 20 photos per location. 

Share JPGs, 1920px longest edge recommended. Unobtrusive watermarks are fine.

Share for Discussion

Optional: Create a small version of your edited photo(s) to share & discuss with the Lenspiration community. You may submit up to 10 photos.

Share JPGs, less than 8MB each. 1200px longest edge recommended. Watermarks are fine.

Join the Coaching Webinar!

Register to attend the live photo coaching webinar on July 30 at 7 PM (EST).

We'll review photos submitted for the assignment, and answer questions asked during the live event.

Not sure how to download or edit your photos? Perhaps you're just getting started in photography. Perhaps you've never downloaded photos onto your computer before. Perhaps you don't have any photo editing software. Don't worry. We're here to help you learn how to do these fundamental processes of digital photography. Start with taking the Secrets to Photo Editing course and the How to Share Your Photos With The World course. You can also reach out to us on the Q&A Forum with your specific need and we'll help you set up a process that will work best for you!

By submitting your photo(s) for this Shoot to Serve assignment, you agree to the terms outlined in the STS Photo Assignment Agreement. Lenspiration and the Publisher reserves the right to use any of the photos that are submitted for this assignment.