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I have been using the D5300 for a few years now and I am quite happy with it. I am curious why you are wanting to upgrade from the D3200. I don’t know if your body is starting to have problems or if it is technically not your camera and been “borrowing” it for a while, but there really isn’t really a huge difference between the D5300 and the D3200.
If you find that the image quality is not what you would like, I would be more inclined to suspect the lenses than the camera. If you are willing to spend around 600$USD on an upgrade, it would probably be wise to at least consider whether getting a better lens wouldn’t be a better choice.
Having said that, here are a few of the reasons I got the D5300 over the D3200:
1) Fully Articulating LCD screen – This is probably for me the biggest single reason. As a real estate photographer, getting into inconvenient corners is made a lot easier with a swivelling screen and live view. I almost went Cannon for this reason alone. (I have had good experiences with Cannon cameras as well.)
2) Auto Exposure Bracketing – Almost an essential for starting off in real estate photography – there is a huge difference between the brightness inside and outside, and you need to bracket to get a good exposure in both.
3) Slightly better sensor – Not a big difference, but the D5300 has no optical low pass filter, so it resolves slightly more detail. It also does perform slightly better at higher iso’s.
4) A few other miscellaneous things – slightly better battery life (as long as GPS and wifi are off), 60fps vs 30fps video, etc.
I have used the wifi and the gps, but find that the gps is hardly an advantage, as it takes forever to lock in and I can just as well add the location afterwards by tracking myself on my cellphone and making sure the time is correct on the camera. The wifi could possibly be a slight advantage for some people. I have used it about twice when I wanted to get a photo directly from my camera to my cell phone. It is *slow*.