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Hey, @kina! 🙂
I don’t have very much experience in this area, but I would highly recommend getting together a list of poses and groupings that you want to get done, so that you don’t come away from the shoot wishing you’d done this or that. Trying out the poses with willing family members before hand is helpful, too. When I did a photo-shoot with my grandparents, I did a Google search for posing ideas (not necessarily something I’d recommend!) prior to the shoot and printed out thumbnail photos of the poses on a sheet of paper, so that they could see it and copy it (and so that it triggered my forgetful memory reminding me what to do. Because if your like anything like me, under pressure I forget. lol!) That worked pretty well! Before the shoot, I got my helpful sisters to do the poses and I tried to explain to them what to do, so that means I was prepared and could hopefully well communicate what I wanted to do to my grandparents. I’m really glad that I tried out the poses with my sisters prior, as some of them were weird when you actually went to do them and looked so unnatural. 😀 So I’d definitely recommend giving the poses a go before you get there!
That ‘flooded light’ effect is cool! I think you do want to be very careful though using that effect for family photos, as you want to make sure that everyone’s faces are clear and not distorted by the light. I can’t really remember seeing a group shot with this effect used, but it probably looks really cool! I’m not saying not to use it 🙂 , but just to be careful. Make sure that it actually compliments the image and subjects and doesn’t take away from it.
I hope you have a great time and I’m sure you’ll get some lovely shots! Portraiture is so fun! 😀
BTW, well done with your website! It looks great and you have some really nice photos on there. 🙂