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Gotta say, guys, I loved this! Thank you everyone! I now see many things I never saw before.
@ryanben2, thank you for your perspective! The photos taken at the beginning of a show are always more clear than the ones at the end because of the smoke, so I like to try to take advantage of both extremes. I like the description of “honest”! 🙂 I know exactly what you mean.
@kina, knowing why is always so helpful! And you know, explaining how one feels about a picture is actually the best critique. It’s interesting how you describe being sensitive to pictures in a similar way to music….never thought about that. Glorious; distressing; Halloween; great emotively descriptive words! Thank you so much for ALL your comments!
@jinnyschober, interesting point, about the purpose of the photos. The 1st and 6th, in my mind, were to share what it was like to be at the actual site where the fireworks were being launched. More documentary, since it was something I had never experienced. As for the green, yes, it was naturally that way; it was the only source of light.
@theodore, I wish that your sister’s job wasn’t a necessity. 🙁 But I’m grateful for those who are willing to fulfill that role and let us do all we can to support through awareness with our pictures!
@bennett-family, yay! I’m glad you don’t take critique too hard. I didn’t think yours was hard either. What you see as “hazy light” truly is that, since the effect is caused by the light passing through the smoke and haze. However, technical descriptions of that effect could be “haloing” (though that is usually in context of over-sharpening or a bad HDR merge) or maybe “bleeding” (though I think that refers to an effect caused by a low-quality image processor).
@creative-click-photography, well, you’ll just have to come and experience an American tradition! 🙂 On #2, good points!! Didn’t see that. #3, no color tweaking. It was a really green firework evidently. 🙂 #5, yeah, “coming from nowhere”, I feel that! Almost like a spider sitting in its web. #6, I hadn’t noticed that eye movement….great observation!