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@frazer-family, sorry for taking so long to reply! I kept meaning to and then I’d forget. 🙂
We don’t get a lot of snow in Australia – mainly just on mountains. So, no we don’t get snow in lambing season. How do your lambs survive the cold, snow?! We’ve had really windy, rainy weather in lambing season and lost so many. You must breed ‘em tuff in Canada. 😉
Well, everyone does lambing at different times, (we’re not sticking to the norm this year 😊) , but the ‘normal’ lambing season is in Spring when there’s more grass around, so yeah, September. Actually from memory I think when you asked the question we were actually in the middle of lambing. 🙂 But this year we’re trying to get 3 lambing seasons in 2 years, so we’re doing it a bit different.
Aww! Those lambs are too cute! Love the effect the snow has made. You can even see the drops falling. Beautiful. 🙂