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Being photographer for a week at a kids’ camp is interesting. There are times of crazy busyness, and moments of quiet solitude. This year, my first afternoon was more busy than quiet. Part of the ice-breaker game the kids were playing involved getting the photographer’s signature and having her take their photo. Since I was the photographer, this meant I was pretty swamped. As I walked along a path during a moment of reprieve, I glanced over at the flower garden. Mental note, find time later this week to enjoy this garden and get some nice shots of those flowers. I was about to go on when I stopped still. There was a solitary dragonfly on a little branch. How could I resist? He was sitting so still, I was able to take photos from a variety of angles, but finally I found an angle I really liked and captured what ended up being my favorite of the set. Let’s see, what’s another angle I could try? A voice broke through my thoughts – “Hey are you the photographer? Can you take my picture and sign my paper?” And off I went, back to the busy world of camp.