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@hayhand02 has some neat ideas there! I’ve done it before for a shoot for my mom’s blog:
In the image above, I wanted your attention to be on the young lady, as I was trying to get the viewer to feel a sense of empathy for her. That’s why she’s wearing red, and that’s the color I chose to pop out. But everywhere else in the image was black and white—I wanted to convey her sense of sadness or her view of the general greyness of the world.
Again, “what feeling am I trying to convey?” is the question to ask yourself.
It doesn’t have to be sad—in a wedding I’m shooting right now, any funny moments that weren’t planned for and aren’t great photos to begin with (it’s not tack sharp, there’s a lot of ISO noise, the subject is a little out of focus, etc.) I’m converting to black and white and putting a subtle film noise effect over the top of everything. The feeling I’m conveying there is spur-of-the-moment (i.e. I didn’t have time to get my “color film” out 😛 ).