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Good for you. keep it up.
First question: What is your main subject here? Is is just the scene? otherwise not much there. Maybe go much much wider. I’ve heard it said that a landscape photo should have and foreground, midground and background with a clear subject.
It would be nice to have a subject on the beach in the lower left, maybe a boat, hut, person(s), etc…Something to draw in the viewer.
The edges are too dark and need brightening.
Need more color or if there is not enough color consider black and white.
Maybe be 30+ feet lower in elevation.
Consider the attached three of my recent failed pano landscape attempts last week taken from the same spot on a dull day at the golden hour.
Photo 1: The hills and rocks are too far away to be interesting and the hill on the left side is a big distraction.
Photo 2: Pulls you to the beach down from the bench and path and to the cove which curves into the rocky cliffs, and the hills begin to add interest. Cliffs are too dark. Probably the best of the three.
Photo 3: Turns out the rocky cliffs are not that interesting after all and there is a cool church and graveyard but too far away to add interest or to be the subject. The foreground is a distraction.
All don’t have much color and the sky is very weak plus there are some con trails in the sky.
Sailboat Photo: Taken the day before. Very simple, no color and the subject is obvious. I kind of like that one.