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That’s right, @monaomi! Every photo is an invitation for the viewer to think about something. Depending on what we decide to include in our photo, that could be a good or a bad invitation!
Your comment also reminds me of an insight someone shared with me the other day. In so many words, he said it can be very easy for us to claim the glory for our nice nature photos, but the reality is, I only took the picture, I didn’t make the lovely landscape, the pretty bird, the glorious sunset . . . that’s God’s handiwork and my pictures are simply a display of it! What right do I have to exalt myself using someone else’s creative work? In a way, we photographers are simply master plagiarists. 🙂 That’s why it only makes sense to give God the glory for our work.
This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
James Staddon.