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Wow, this is so great, @jenna! It is so important to have a place where you can point people to see your work. And it’s good that you have more than just 5 or 6 pictures! Keep adding, slowly over time, and eventually you’ll be surprised by how many nice photos you have up. And do keep them only the nice ones, as @lydialenspiration was saying. Over time, as you add more, you’ll feel which ones can be weeded out.
A couple suggestions:
– Up on the browser tab, it gives the title “Larry Harnish” for your portfolio. Not sure where it is pulling that text (perhaps this is the name of your Adobe account?), but if it could say your name instead, it would make more sense when I read your little introduction on the Home page.
– If you plan to add to your portfolio over time, I would suggest making the folders a little more generic. Like “Birds” (or something more fancy like “Fowls of the Air” if you want) instead of “2024 Birds”. 5 years from now, it’s not going to make a difference to viewers which year the bird photos were taken. They want to see your collection of bird photos, so seeing them all in one folder would be better than hopping around from the “2024 Birds” folder to the “2025 Birds” folder, etc.
I like your portfolio a lot!