Welcome! This is the place for you to post photos for the March 2024 photo assignment, participate in discussion with your fellow photographers, and ask questions to Lenspiration Team Members!
Click here to read the current Assignment Details, learn how to shoot the assignment, submit your high-resolution photos, and register for the next webinar!
I chose to photography the idea of “praying by your bed”.
The lighting for these shots was mid-afternoon window light. I started out with light coming from one window behind the subject, then I also opened curtains to the right.
Here are some of my photos for this assignment. I had wanted to get a picture including my Bible, but I set it down on a stump while taking my other photos and forgot about it until a couple days later, after it had rained. So it’s not exactly “picture perfect” at the moment! Still, this was a really fun assignment to shoot for!
I Thought that I would try to take pictures for this assignment without actually having someone praying, although the first picture I did of my own hands, but I found that a little bit too difficult!
Here are my Photos! I used 2 of my sisters as models. Any suggestions on how to improve my photos (especially about how their editited) would be great!
It’s so much fun to see everyone’s photos coming in! The lighting is lovely, @blessingscaptured. Silhouette is a great idea, @puregrace. The highlighters and bookmark are a creative touch, @laura-aome. Great variety of poses, @sager7 Evelyn. The fairy lights add a nice touch, @cg. Hope you all are learning a lot shooting real life assignments!
Here are my two photos for this month’s assignment. I took these photos to tell the story “writing in a prayer journal”. For me a prayer journal is a place where I can write needs or people to pray for.
Galatians 6:2 states “Bear ye one another’s, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”. Isn’t this one of the reasons we pray, to bear other’s burdens?
Here are my submissions…some of my own hands, then and also photos of my little bro (again!) and mum:) Was quite cute seeing Tommy praying when I asked him to, but the prayers were quite short haha!