Hi Zechariah! Sorry it’s been son long since anyone has replied to your question! I guess the rest of the community focuses in on the Photo Critique section more and may not have seen your question. I’m just now settling down after my trip to Connecticut where I have time to dedicate to the forums. It was great meeting you while I was up there. It’s hard to believe it has been as long as it has! It felt like just a few days ago.
Hmm, inspiration. Where do I go for new ideas . . .
Besides viewing the work and actually interacting with the people I know, I like to engage in a few “outside” sources every-once-in-a-while to spur me on. Focus on your genre. What kind of pictures do you want to take? I like wide-angle landscape, so that’s pretty easy to find. If you enjoy the portrait genres, then it might be a little more difficult to find consistent spots to go for inspiration that align with your moral convictions.
I very seldom seek out inspiration because I get discontent very easily. It’s my human nature. But I do get inspired through the following sources when I’m lacking creativity or ideas:
– Ian Plant of Dreamscapes
– David Allen is a pro photographer that I met while photographing in North Carolina
– I’ve found Cambridge in Colour a fun place to learn technical details because of the many diagrams that are used.
– 500px.com is a heathen website because thousands of photographers of all genres from all over the world post there, but if you follow the right genre, such as what is posted by Jimmy McIntyre, then it can be an inspirational experience to visit and follow on an irregular basis.
– And for portrait or wedding inspiration, I love the personal stand Christopher Maxwell has taken in modesty. I go to his website when I need posing ideas.