This is more of a thought than a question. I noticed in the “Trend Watch” of the December PRO report that one of the high demand stock photography topics is pregnancy. Having talked about this subject with my mom and sisters, I venture to voice a thought on it.
Given the modern day pregnancy clothing style – ultra tight, revelatory clothes – the “typical” pregnancy photos are in fact simply the displaying of a woman’s body. And I believe that even in many Christian circles few have taken the time to stop and consider this. I know some will disagree with me and say that they’re simply showing “Baby.” But “Baby” really isn’t visible yet – all we can see in a photo is “Mom.”
While obviously the change needs to begin with a change in pregnancy clothing style (and I hope many will rise up and do that!), I think there is also a need for photographers to get creative and find God-honouring ways of sharing the exciting news of a soon-coming child without deliberately putting a woman’s body on display.
So let’s step up to the challenge and create a change in this genre of photography!