Hi @emilyhaight
Great job! I love your picture! 🙂 The richest of the colours really stand to me and I like the pose of having the violin as the subject but still including a person.
I did have a few ideas of some things you could do to make it better! To me it looks as though it’s tilting to the left a bit and isn’t quite dead center. I also found the white top poking out a bit distracting and the button (beacuse they’re bright white!) Plus, I found my eye being drawn to the little berries on the bush. I thought that removing these in Lightroom might simplify the photo – drawing your eye just to the violin! I quickly edited it in Lightroom with some of my suggestions. Also, (just being very picky 🙁 ) I found the placement of the 2 fingers almost making an arrow a bit distracting, but hey I’m the queen of doing things like that and then noticing them later! 🙂
Anyway, just some thoughts! I really love the picture! My sister and I play violin, too, and have been planning on going outside to get pictures with it!