Thinking about publishing your best works of art in a calendar? I don’t recommend you go to Shutterfly . . . or Walmart . . . any of those popular spots that not only cost a fortune but offer no professionally designed calendar themes for displaying your hard-earned masterpieces. If your work is above average, don’t stoop to put them in below-average frames.
This is why I’ve been designing my own calendars for years. Using the industry standard programs of InDesign and Photoshop, I have complete control over every aspect of the entire calendar, from cover to cover. Below is a collection of calendar theme ideas I’ve invested hundreds of hours into designing one by one. Any one of them can be turned into a template for displaying your work too.
Window Theme
Missionary Theme
Outdoors Theme
Simplicity Theme
Parchment Theme
Impression Theme
Old Fashioned Theme
Wave Theme
Rustic Theme
Fresh Theme
Calendars for the photographer, designed by a photographer. Start displaying your work! Pick out you best 12 works of art from your portfolio and get started creating your calendar here!