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@Mr. Quebec, thank you for posting! We certainly respect the copyright of your images and understand that all images posted in the Photo Critique Forum will be used only for viewing/editing within the forum. Thank you @timtam for taking care of your mistake.
In my opinion, this image is difficult to edit as B&W because the subject is back-lit. B&W requires a lot of contrast; the dark areas need to be dark, the light areas need to be light. So when the focus of the image is in complete shadow . . . it’s hard to draw attention to it. Plus, the tonal value of the shadow areas (the white sweater) and the highlight areas (the green grass in sunlight) are basically the same. There’s very little contrast if you strip out the color.
So in conclusion, I would take some time to play with the Black & White Mix sliders in Lightroom to add as much contrast as possible to your B&W version. I would also read this article looking for what elements make for good B&W shots. I don’t agree with everything that’s said, but it should give you an idea of what to look for if you have B&W processing in mind: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/explora/content/10-tips-how-create-better-black-white-images
By the way, I must say this is an adorable shot! Way to capture the moment, and be on the child’s eye-level.