Yes, introducing blur into your images isn’t easy. You really have to make sure you still have a good subject that’s attention grabbing and sharp.
The first image in the basket ball court is kind of a zoom effect but it really looks like a mistake because the zoom isn’t strong enough. Nothing is in focus either.
Your shot, @buddingphotographer, is an excellent example of panning. You even have room at the front of the car for it to visually move in to. I would brighten the picture though; probably with your “Whites” slider in LR.
The shot of the red car @HeldInHisArms is a good first attempt at panning. However, the car really isn’t in focus. And see that back wheel? It’s an odd shape, possibly because your panning down to the left instead of horizontally. And it’s very much overexposed. I suppose this could be an effect, but the subject itself is washed out making the whole thing feel the same way. Keep trying!