It doesn’t seem to me that it would be very common to see this angle on a dog licking it’s nose. But that’s about the only thing that is interesting about the picture. The light-angle is normal; the subject, though special to some people I’m sure, is normal to me, an outsider; the dog’s expression is normal and the arrangement of elements is normal too. I mean, like, I don’t feel anything special when I look at the image.
Placing the eye on the top right would help, using a faster shutter-speed to freeze the action would help, and giving more breathing room between the edge of the frame and the tongue (and bottom chin as well), would also help.
Try it again at a more colorful time of day, and see if you can get what could be a dynamic subject with some dynamic light!
FYI, the reason why photos may not upload is because I have set a size limit; keeping pictures small decreases loading time and is perfectly fine for on-screen viewing.