Welcome to the Lenspiration Forums!
General forum guidelines:
• As in all areas of life, please abide by the Scriptural principle to “Do Unto Others” in your participation on the forums, fearing the Lord and respecting others in the words you write and the pictures you upload. Keep in mind that the forums represent a primarily conservative Christian audience. Content deemed not appropriate will be removed without notice.
• There is an 8MB size limit on all attachments. If you attach anything larger than this, it will fail to upload. If your pictures are failing to upload, try downsizing your photos using the videos listed on the Support page.
• Do not upload images larger than 5000px on the longest edge. Otherwise, they may fail to upload.
• You can only upload a maximum of 2 images per Topic or Reply. (The maximum is 10 on the Shoot to Serve forum.)
Specific guidelines for the Photo Critique Forum:
• Though it’s not necessary, it’s nice to comment on someone else’s photo before you ask for critique on one of your own photos.
• When posting a topic, write a little sentence about how you took the shot, what your surrounding circumstances were, or what you were trying to achieve. This helps us know how to make critique more applicable to your situation.
• When posting a topic, indicate where you took the picture, what camera you were using and, if you can, provide the basic camera settings used (such as shutter speed, aperture, ISO, focal length, and camera model).
• When posting a reply, remember that this forum is for friendly, constructive critique; try to steer away from short, superfluous acclamations, however well-intentioned. Folks can get that on social-media.
• When posting a reply, always comment in a spirit of friendship and genuine helpfulness, the way you would want someone to critique your pictures.
As a side note, keep in mind that because I travel a lot, you may not receive replies specifically from me very regularly. It could be a week or more before I have the opportunity to provide a detailed answer that I feel is truly insightful. However, that shouldn’t be a problem as other Lenspiration members usually answer long before I do.
Thanks! It’s fun to be doing this together!