Don't have the bundle yet? Scroll down for details! ⇓
Don't Have the Bundle Yet?
Here are the details . . .
96%-OFF SALE: FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 2, 2018
- 24 quality, Lenspiration-recommended photography ebooks, video courses and tools!
- 17 bonuses, memberships or other resources worth looking into
- The entire bundle is worth over $3500 if each resource was purchased separately
- On sale for only $97!
- Even as an advanced photographer, after picking out only my favorite resources from the bundle I have personally determined that it is indeed worth much more than $97 to me
- The resources from the bundle I am looking forward to studying most over this year are "The Ultimate Guide to Long Exposure Photography", "Food Photography Behind the Scenes: Bright Food, Dark Shadows", "Build a Profitable Photography Business for Nature & Travel Photographers", "Digital Fine Art Printing - Field Guide for Photographers", and "Essential Marketing and Sales Strategies for Photographic Storytellers."
- Special Lenspiration BONUS: Buy the bundle. Get a special coupon code. Lock in your membership to "The Click" for $27/mo only $18/mo forever! (Coupon can be viewed by customers when they click the "Access" button next to the "Explore With Your Camera Video Series" in the bundle)
*You will be directed off the Lenspiration website. It is suggested that you ask a parent to proceed with the purchase.