Hello everyone!
We would like to share about a special opportunity to come together as a community and be a blessing to another photographer!
Naomi has been an active participant on Lenspiration for many years. She would often submit photos for assignments and ask questions on the Lenspiration forums.
In June, James heard that her family’s home had caught fire. When he inquired about it, she responded, “It has definitely been challenging and faith strengthening! It’s still a shock to walk back into our house sometimes. Yes, the entire house is unlivable, parts due to structural damage and the rest due to heavy smoke damage.” She went on to say that her camera, all her lenses, and speedlite were completely destroyed since they were at the site of the fire. She’s thankful, however, that wedding photos taken the day before had been downloaded to a hard drive across the room and thus were salvaged.
Naomi has not asked for any money. However, since we as photographers know how detrimental it would feel to have all our equipment literally go up in smoke, we thought we’d see if there was any way that us Lenspirationers could help.
So, we’ve created a fund where we can all pool our resources together and give a gift to Naomi. A gift that she can put towards purchasing new camera equipment. The ability to give to this fund will expire on September 19, so if this is something you would like to contribute towards, please make your gift before that deadline.
Click here to give a gift to Naomi today!
Thanks so much,
The Lenspiration Team