“Nasa” and “buddingphotographer” mentioned the concept of line of sight. It’s so easy to place birds flying overhead in the center of the image. This may be necessary while actually shooting the picture to get that proper focus using the center focus point, but should be taken care of in post processing.
I’m glad there’s more than just the bird against an empty blue sky. Using clouds as a composition element is something to keep in mind. Again, more so in the image-choosing process than while actually shooting the picture, especially if you shot in bursts. See point #6 in this excellent article: 10 Creative Nature Photographs and How They Were Taken. Thought the Canadian subject was appropriate.
And by the way, when you get the opportunity to get a different angle on a flying bird, take advantage of that too. As you can imagine, there are far less shots taken from above than from below which you can add to a portfolio to add variety.