Photo #1 is absolutely stunning. It looks like it must have been so awe-inspiring to be there, and she captured that feeling well. In editing, it looks like there are a few dust bunnies here and there, so it would be nice to just edit those out.
My eye is having a hard time finding a subject to anchor on in photo #2. It would be interesting to hear what it was that attracted her to that scene, and therefore, how the “story” could have been told more clearly. I do love how vibrant the green color is in that photo!
The third photo strikes me more as documentary than artistic, so it would be neat to hear the story behind that shot.
The waterfall in photo #4 is so unique! I love the delicate way it is flowing on the rocks. Love how she used the large rocks as foreground elements, however they almost become too large in proportion and start to distract from the waterfall, so it may have been good to find another angle. But I think it’s great how she’s got some depth of field going there!
Love the color in all four photos! Nicely done.