Hey all!
Trying my hand at astrophotography has been on my bucket list for… way too long! So the other night, after reading a very comprehensive guide here on Lenspiration, I finally gave it ago. My first attempt didn’t turn out quite how I was hoping, but hopefully with a bit more practise I’ll get a better result. (more in focus, less noise and a better composition! 😉 ) The hardest thing I found was trying to get it to focus. I tried a number of different methods – auto focus, manual focus, focusing on a beam from a flashlight, using Live View and zooming in to 10x on a star and manually focusing on it and zooming lens to infinity! But, still didn’t manage to nail it (think I need a bit more practise. lol) How do you folks go about getting your astrophotgraphy shots in focus? I’m thinking that I may need to get the camera setup and focused before nightfall?
I’ll attach the pic that I got. I would love to hear your tips, critique, and anything you’ve learnt while shooting astrophotography!