The Fields are Ready
This picture reminds me of much more than just a peaceful evening waiting for the sun to set over the Los Angeles skyline; more also than of the world-famous Griffith Observatory, home of the powerful Zeiss 12in Refracting Telescope, from which spectacular vistas of the city can be beheld. More than these, this picture reminds me of the multiple conversations that I had with several complete strangers who, seeing my tripod and SLR set up on one of the Observatory’s outside balconies, asked me what I was doing. Was I shooting an assignment? Was I photojournalist, a student, or just another tourist?
One guy was studying Eastern Religions in college. He believed that the complete truth about our inner being could never truly be comprehended. While I agreed with him that it is impossible to know all that is in our own heart (Jeremiah 17:9), I also explained that there is One who knows complete truth and desires to share it with us.
Another gentleman commented on my (over?)enthusiasm after explaining to him what I do and why I was in LA. In reply, I could deflect the praise to only one place, my Savior and Source of all joy.
It’s truly amazing how often my camera has broken the barrier of self-consciousness between myself and complete strangers. It’s an amazing conversation starter that initiates conversation with those who are ready to converse.
And yet, because the camera evokes conversation, I have learned that to effectively identify myself with Christ, I must be ready not only with an answer of words, but also with actions that mirror my words. One time, after guiltily butting in front of a long line of people (due to the fear of missing a travel deadline and a long string of events and excuses that I have not the time here to relate), someone struck up a conversation with me and began telling me about how good the Lord was to him during a particular trial in his life. The question immediately popped into my mind: “Should I also identify myself with Christ, after having just committed a transgression that was not at all Christ-like?”
The fields are truly ready for harvest so remember to walk always in Christ-likeness that you may not be ashamed to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
Amen. Convicting and challenging post.