Blog Archive

Month: April 2014

Tips & Tricks
ISO Makes a Difference

ISO Makes a Difference

Did you see the lunar eclipse the other night? I had never seen one on a clear night before so I was pretty excited when I heard this one was rolling around. The only other one I had the opportunity to observe was on a relatively cloudy night so I only caught hazy...

Tips & Tricks
Winter Hangs On

Winter Hangs On

How strange it felt to put on my overcoat again to walk to work in glistening snow, knowing that it was the middle of April and having thought spring had finally arrived! It was t-shirt weather just a few days ago. This was what my backyard looked like on April 15...

PerspectiveTips & Tricks
Insights on Beauty

Insights on Beauty

Have you ever thought about the verse in Genesis, “Out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight . . .” As a landscape photographer keeping an eye out for the intricate beauty around me, verses like this intrigue me and...

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