Blog Archive

Year: 2014

Stories & Expeditions
About the Shot: July

About the Shot: July

Before I launch into the story, I want to make an comment: within the last week, two different folks re-ordered a second batch of calendars because they underestimated how many they would be handing out. There’s no problem with ordering twice, but I thought I’d let...

Stories & Expeditions
About the Shot: June

About the Shot: June

June 2015 - Daybreak Over Emerald Bay Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe, California Life is most fulfilling when I have had the opportunity to serve other photographers in a way that helps them grow in their skills as a photographer as well as encourages them to honor the...

Stories & Expeditions
About the Shot: April

About the Shot: April

April 2015 – Beneath the Pier Ocean Beach Pier, Point Loma, California The hymn for this month is “I Must Tell Jesus”. Though written over 100 years ago, it’s message is still so applicable today: “O how the world to evil allures me! O how my heart is tempted to...

Updates & Opportunities
Need Some Pro Gear?

Need Some Pro Gear?

Greg, a friend of mine, sent me a message letting me know he is selling a lot of his camera gear. I’ve listed out below what he has for sale and a comparison to what is might currently find it for new and used elsewhere. I don’t think you’ll be able to get a better...

Updates & Opportunities
Free, Live Webinar!

Free, Live Webinar!

Can't beat this! Franz Lanting, a world-renowned wildlife, travel, and landscape photographer from California is offering two full days of free training via live webinar! I'm watching every spare minute I have . . . and I am learning new things almost faster than I...

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