Blog Archive

Month: May 2014

Tips & Tricks
How to Shoot Overlooks

How to Shoot Overlooks

I had the opportunity to shoot quite a few beautiful vistas while I was down in western North Carolina last week. Terrestrial OceanBlue Ridge Parkway near Devil’s Courthouse, North Carolina The biggest challenge with shooting overlooks is creating depth. When...

Impressive Places
5 Favorite Locations

5 Favorite Locations

I’ve been doing quite a bit of location research in preparation for CAPTURE California coming up here in June, from the 25th to the 28th. Whether or not you’ll be coming to the workshop, I thought I’d share the top spots I think are best for shooting in the...

Stories & Expeditions
The Day I Met a Pro

The Day I Met a Pro

Something quite extraordinary happened to me the other day. As I travel around the country, I inherently notice if there are other photographers around. Sometimes it feels kind of odd to be walking around airports with a camera-backpack and tripod as my carry-on...

Tips & Tricks
Watch Your Focus!

Watch Your Focus!

This first shot was taken the other day as I was taking a walk through the woods with a friend. We were both enjoying the beautiful weather and spring smells as we chatted away. I had my camera with me and I was snapping shots here and there of the different things...

Updates & Opportunities
Free eBook!

Free eBook!

Let me introduce you to my first eBook ever! 10 Camera Settings Every Photographer Should Know . . . Instinctively is a concise compilation of what I’ve found to be the foundation for making the most of your SLR camera. Subscribe to the Lenspiration updates to...

Updates & Opportunities
Big Change Coming

Big Change Coming

For a long time now, I’ve been working on making some big changes to Lenspiration. Since the beginning of 2013, I’ve had a desire to make Lenspiration more than just a design business or a place to look at pretty pictures. For over a year now, I’ve worked to branch...

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Recommended Ebook

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