My Epic Family Photography Photoshoot Fail

by | Jul 20, 2018 | Tips & Tricks | 2 comments

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I was pumped!

And I was prepared too.

I had bought the flash brackets and two umbrellas. I had figured out how to trigger flashes from my camera, and I had even recorded some introductory footage in preparation for making a video that would cover in real-time what I was learning on this new photo excursion!

You might say it was going to be my very first “real” family photoshoot. And it wasn’t just a single-family photoshoot. I was headed into a family reunion with five different families were awaiting the results of my stunning photographic expertise.

I envisioned getting up early, scouting out a shooting location with the perfect background, setting up my new equipment, determining all the perfect camera settings and focal length and aperture beforehand, and reviewing some creative poses (maybe experimenting with a couple siblings!) before the time would be right to bring in each family, one at a time, into my glorious little studio.

Vision is great.

But then there’s reality.

And guess what. Ahem….reality is great too!

Reality (what actually happens on a photoshoot) is so important to analyze because it helps one re-orientate where they are in the full scope of photography skill. The more reality we analyze, the more experience we get, and the more experience, the more we are able to logically work toward closing up that gap between our vision and what actually happens.

You can tell a professional photographer by how close they can get reality to their vision. Which means, I have a long way to go in family photography!

A scheduling conflict eliminated setup time, a change of plans led to a different shooting location than expected, and under the influence of this strange new feeling that I’ve heard folks describe as “chicken”, I defaulted to my typical way of doing things and hoped the families didn’t notice how incredibly un-creative I was feeling!

Needless to say, I never finished recording that video about how to be an amazing family photographer. Too embarrassing!

So instead, let me point you to someone who actually knows what they are talking about!

30 Family Photo Tips (preview)

Jessica Neely loves family photography because she loves family! Photography is deeper than just taking pictures for the fun of it. It’s about enjoying the people God has placed in our lives! It’s about living in the moment. It’s about capturing the present to preserve it for the future.

30 Tips for Perfect Family Photos was written for the busy homeschool mom, the young photography enthusiasts, the experienced landscape photographer who has no idea how to interact with people (aka, me).

Simple; to the point; bursting with ideas! It’s definitely the kind of ebook I wish I had thought to review before heading out on my latest family photoshoot. Smile

30 Family Photo Tips (preview)230 Family Photo Tips (preview)1330 Family Photo Tips (preview)1130 Family Photo Tips (preview)1430 Family Photo Tips (preview)153

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  1. Logan Lamar

    Thanks for the reference, James! Just bought the ebook!


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