What’s New This Year in Big Sandy

by | Apr 4, 2014 | Updates & Opportunities | 2 comments

I’ve not posted much on the new opportunity at the 2014 ATI Family Conference in Big Sandy coming up in just a few weeks. I’ve eluded to it here and there, but there’s been so much interest within the current Conference registrants, that I’ve hardly had any time to extend the invitation beyond the ATI circles. So officially, let me say that you are invited! But you’d better hurry, there are only 3 more spots left . . . and who knows, they might all be taken by the time you finished reading this post. Registration closes on Tuesday, April 8th.

If you aren’t going to be in Big Sandy, don’t worry. I’ll be holding the same Event Photography workshops in Nashville and Sacramento with the ATI Family Conferences, as well as in Richmond with the HEAV Convention. You can read more details on the Event Photography details page, but I’ve added some of the Q&A section below to give you an idea of what the workshops are like.


Q. What’s skill level is required?
These workshops are geared toward intermediate level photographers. Once you have registered, you will receive a survey by email for gauging your experience level and determining your eligibility for the workshop. Beginner photographers willing to  study hard to pass the survey before the workshop are free to register.

Q. What will I be learning during the workshop?
A. Principles of photojournalism and how to meet the demands of covering a large event. Quickly posing people or groups, creating consistently bright and sharp images in difficult lighting situations, event photography etiquette, Christian convictions in art, establishing a time-effective post-processing workflow for meeting time-sensitive deadlines.

Q. How old do I have to be to attend?
A. Photographers of any age 15 years old or older are welcome. Exceptions can be made for 14 year olds at the ATI Family Conference.

Q. Can I participate in other activities along with the photography workshop?
A. Yes. I very much want the assignments to float around the other opportunities that you would like to participate in during the conference, like playing in the orchestra or listening to favorite speakers. Assignments will be set up in a way that the photographers can shoot during the times that are best for them and of the programs (Children’s Institute, ALERT cadets, choir, etc.) that they would enjoy most, while also shooting as often (or not) as they are available.

Continue reading on the Event Photography details page . . .

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  1. Donald S.

    Praise the Lord for opportunities to merge ministry, passion and vocational training.

  2. Sarah

    That looks like such a great opportunity! Wish I could go. Maybe next year!


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