An Example of a Published Photographer

by | Mar 18, 2022 | Updates & Opportunities | 0 comments

Let me show you a photo that my Grandpa took back in, …actually, wait a minute… can you guess what year it was taken?

This was a question I asked on the last coaching webinar. And I said whoever guessed closest to correct would be the featured Lenspiration Student Photographer of the month!

When I announced the correct year the photo was taken, it was very clever to hear in the webinar chat how folks were analyzing the photo to come up with their guesses.

Well the year that photo was taken was 1979. Sarah guessed 1982. That means she’s the featured Lenspiration Student Photographer of the month!

So, congratulations, Sarah! Smile

Sarah has been a Lenspiration member since September 2019. She has participated in 19 photo assignments and has been a winner 3 times. You can purchase her photos here on Lightstock, and she has just started her online portfolio here. From coastal Connecticut, she enjoys nature photography, capturing the creative beauty of God’s creation with camera in hand.

And it’s a very timely time for her to be featured! On Monday, a package arrived at my door. It was a small box of calendars that were printed in Russia. Many months ago, we had photographed several photo assignments for some missionaries in Europe. They were putting together a calendar for their ministry and ended up choosing several of the photos that the Lenspiration photographers submitted. Two of the photos they chose happened to be Sarah’s! Pretty fun to see a publisher’s finished product, isn’t it?


If I had to pick a favorite of all the photos that Sarah has submitted over the years, I would say it would be this one:

I love this photo for several reasons.

Number one, I absolutely love color. Of course I detest fake, oversaturated color. But when color is naturally vibrant, it just makes me very happy. Smile Especially if that color is green or yellow.

Additionally, the photo is well composed. You might think that a centered composition would be bad, but in this photo, it’s done right. It’s proportionally balanced. And the way the yellow flowers encircle the subject going in almost a spiral from in-focus to out-of-focus around the butterfly, is very pleasing to me.

On top of that, the background blur is perfect. The crisp foreground elements in focus focus are clearly set apart by the gently blurred background.

Sarah submitted this photo for the 2019 HSLDA photo contest, and it’s no surprise to me that she won a prize for it.

In the next webinar we’ll have a new question to see who will be the featured photographer for next month. But you will have to join us live if you want the chance to be featured. Don’t miss out on the webinar…register here today! Smile

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