I do a lot of landscape photography. It’s what I enjoy most. But there is a much greater benefit to shooting landscapes than simply personal enjoyment . . . getting to know my camera.
When you know your camera well, you can shoot anything.
Whatever genre you enjoy, the more you do it, the more you’ll know your camera. The more you know your camera, the less you have to think about the technical side of things, and the more second-nature using it will become. The less you have to think about your camera, the more you can think about what you’re shooting: the creative and relational side of photography.
So, whatever photography you love to do, do it well! Even if it may not seem to be beneficial for much at the beginning. You will be surprised at how your horizons will expand into the different genres!
Yesterday we celebrated my Grandma’s 87th birthday. I’m not a senior portrait photographer (no pun intended), but regardless of what genre of photography I love, because I love it and do it often, a special day for Grandma became an opportunity for me, a photographer, to provide a professional blessing to others. And is this not really the ultimate goal of a photographer?
How well do you know your camera? If you’re a beginner, click here to learn more about the Basic DSLR Photography Course. If you consider yourself more of a “beyond-beginner”, click here to view upcoming CAPTURE workshops for hands-on training.
Love these pics of your family!
And oh, it was the most beautiful day for a little family outing!