A Few Ways To Improve A Wedding Photoshoot

by | Jun 22, 2016 | Tips & Tricks | 0 comments

I had the most incredible time photographing Benjamin & Marina’s wedding not too long ago! With each wedding I photograph, the more I enjoy photographing them!

I tried several new things this time. One was posing the group shot, with all the extended family, in the shape of a big heart!


I kept a list of posing ideas in my pocket, example images on my cell phone, to give me fresh ideas in case I drew a blank during the photoshoots with the bridal party before the ceremony. This posing idea was one I had to set up beforehand.

Another thing I did differently this wedding was to shoot with two different cameras. I kept a telephoto lens on one and a wide angle lens on the other basically the entire time. That way I didn’t have to keep swapping lenses! And as the single shooter, it REALLY helped me not miss special moments due to swapping lenses all the time. The groom happened to be a photographer so his camera was the second one. However, because I enjoyed it so much, I have gone ahead and bought a second camera so I wouldn’t never be stranded with only one camera at a wedding again!



Another thing I had never done before was . . . during the immediate family portraits, I forgot to take pictures of the bride and groom with one of the sets of grandparents! Now that’s a big mistake! So I had to do it last minute in a different location just before the ceremony started. Whew.

Another thing I tried to do was edit some of the pictures in B&W. I like my traditional way of editing in color, but it never hurts to throw in lots of variation! So, as I was going through the pictures in post, when I came across pictures that were less formal, or told a story in sequence, or simply weren’t perfectly tack sharp, I processed them in B&W for a more fun or artistic flare. For example:








In Lightroom, auto-convert leaves B&W photos looking quite bland, so thankfully Lightroom provides a way for us to really make our B&W photos pop. I covered this trick in last night’s Lenspiration Livecast. We’re you able to watch it? If not, and if you’re a PRO Member, go find the email I sent you afterwards with a link to watch a replay. If you’re not a PRO Member, than well, you’ll just have to go sign up here.

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