Best Shots From My Brothers Wedding!

by | Jul 21, 2016 | Tips & Tricks | 5 comments

My brother got married on Saturday!

As brother to the groom, I found myself in a peculiar position. I was supposed to be both a groomsman and a photographer at the same time! It would have been totally impossible to fulfill both of these roles if it hadn’t been for a photographer friend who enthusiastically volunteered to step in and take my place as photographer during the parts of the wedding where I was supposed to be in the pictures. It worked out very well!

Here are a few of my favorite shots (from both of us photographers) and some comments on why I like them or how they were taken:

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Look at that background!! This took scouting.


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Being a July wedding (and it being common knowledge that bridesmaids take longer to get ready than groomsmen), it was too hot and humid to photograph the bridesmaids outdoors at the appointed time. So, we were forced to shoot indoors. Coming up with a unique angle and pose helped to compensate for the less-than-ideal surroundings.


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Color, symmetry, contrast, almost perfect height-order . . . ah! Somehow it’s hard to stop looking at this shot it’s so perfect. Good choice of color, Daniel & Kathryn. 🙂


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From a burst of shots, but the focus, expressions, positions and up-close subject placement make this one stand out from the rest. There’s a lot of random chance that goes into wedding photography, but I did have control over choice of lens, camera settings and shooting position (squatting vs standing).


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The sister of the bride recommended this perfectly beautiful spot for the couple shots after the ceremony. I like to include surroundings when they are picturesque. Perhaps that’s the landscape photographer side of me coming out . . .


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What’s a wedding shoot without a full-body shot of the bride?! The surroundings called for a centered pose.


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Never seen such a happy Daniel in my life. 🙂  Made sure to get the decorated ring finger real prominent in there.


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Had to re-take this shot after showing it to the bride for suggestions . . . first time around the dress was covering up some of the flowers. It looks much better this way.


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Another important close-up. Love the the multiple applications of layering, depth and contrast here.


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It helps to have helpers around. While I was taking other shots, a helper ran around scouting other locations I hadn’t been to before. This was one of his finds. I purposely positioned myself so that the depth-creating leaves drooping in from the top fit in the empty space of sky like a piece in a puzzle.


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Just trying more creative things here. This was not my idea originally. Always helps to keep an eye open for creative wedding shots!


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I wasn’t about to leave without getting a shot with my brother and new sister! Can you tell we wore ourselves out? 🙂

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  1. Dennis & Phyllis Ondrovic

    Great pix of a beautiful wedding! Thanx

  2. Abbie Camuso

    I watched their wedding live stream. 😉 Gorgeous wedding and amazing pictures!!

  3. Lori W.

    This is the first time i have seen your blog, and your work is lovely!! Thank you also for the information on why each shot was special (other than the people in them as they totally make the pictures) and why you liked those particular shots. Too bad you are not closer to Oklahoma as there are many places I would love to have photos of that show the landscape of my home state!!

  4. James Staddon

    Hey Lori, last time I drove through Oklahoma I thought, “I wonder if there are any beautiful places to take pictures around here . . . seemed rather flat.” Coming from a WV boy, you know. 🙂 So are there really lovely places to photograph the landscape?? You should send me a list of your favorite spots . . . [email protected]

  5. Johanna Dieterich Horn


    Thanks for this detailed post. It’s interesting to read the thought behind the different layouts and backgrounds. Steve and I are thrilled that you will be taking our photos and are planning on doing a bit of scouting this coming week. See you soon!




  1. Congratulations Daniel and Kathryn! « Robert Loves Kendalyn - […] All of the above pictures were taken by the incredibly talented photographers Katie Wilson and James Staddon. You may view more beautiful pictures…

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