2022 Calendar Giveaway!

by | Nov 19, 2021 | Stories & Expeditions | 2 comments

“And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

Over the past several months I’ve enjoyed getting to know Christian Horstmann from over at ChristianFamilyReformation.com. He enjoys promoting resources that support the Deuteronomy 6:6-7 lifestyle in the modern Christian family. Is not revival in family life according to the standards of the Bible exactly what this country needs?!

To help him bring more attention to his website and social media, I’ve partnered with Christian to offer two free copies of the 2022 Lenspiration Calendar in a giveaway. You can enter the giveaway at www.ChristianFamilyReformation.com/giveaway.

enter to win

On behalf of Christian Family Reformation, thanks for entering!

If one calendar isn’t enough, or you prefer not to leave it up to chance to have a Lenspiration calendar hanging on your wall, feel free to pick up a batch on the Lenspiration website. You can see the prices below. Instructions for buying just 1 or a few are on the Lenspiration website too.

2022 calendars

And now, for a little background story of my favorite shot in the calendar!

March is the worst time of the year . . . landscape photography speaking. Well, subjectively speaking too. Ok, for me, it’s worst. I love color! And March is that month of mud and rain before spring gets going . . . here in West Virginia at least. So you need a really great picture in the calendar for March, to get you though it, right? Smile

Of course, I like every single picture in the calendar. But I think this one stands out from the rest not only because I think it’s a nice picture, but because of all the crazy memories associated with it.


I had dreamed of going to Olympic National Park for a long time. A big fan of Ian Plant’s work, I saw a lot of his photos coming from there, so I figured it had to be a fantastic place. I kept hearing people talk about how picturesque the West Coast was, and places with epicly boring names like First Beach . . . and Second Beach.

So, when I had the opportunity to actually explore a bit of Washington State a few years ago, Olympic National Park was my go-to spot, with Second Beach on the itinerary.

I went with my good friend Zyrek.


We arrived at the perfect time of day. Though it was in April, the weather was pleasant, and we waded out in the salt water to get the specific photo you see in the calendar.

The sea arch was an unexpected blessing. I had forgotten that particular beach had one. (Where various natural wonders I’ve researched are exactly get mixed up in my head sometimes.) With the sea stacks all around, it was truly an enchanting place!

180423_James Staddon_675603 Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 100 mm, 1-200 sec at f - 5.6, ISO 100

And to make the experience even better, free dispersed camping was allowed right there on the beach! Carrying everything we needed for the night, plus all our DSLR camera gear, sure made for a slow and laborious trek in. And we certainly lived primitively that morning and evening! But it was totally worth it for the experience of watching a sunset and a sunrise at that epic location.

180424_James Staddon_678518 Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 17 mm, 15.0 sec at f - 8.0, ISO 50

It was cold the next morning. Totally not the weather for wading. So we just set up our tripods near the surf and took pictures as the dawn broke.

180424_James Staddon_679410 Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 17 mm, 1.3 sec at f - 16, ISO 50

So, that’s a little background for the March photo!

Wish I could give a little more background for every photo in the calendar! At least there is a little paragraph about each photo at the end of the calendar.

Anyway, don’t forget to enter Christian Family Reformation’s giveaway. Hope you enjoy the calendar, whoever you happen to be, winners! Smile

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  1. Christian H.

    Thank you for the background on that one! I sure would love to hear all the background stories! 😊

  2. James Staddon

    At least there’s a paragraph about each photo at the end of the printed calendar. :]


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