The Color of Kansas

by | Oct 24, 2013 | Impressive Places, Updates & Opportunities | 2 comments

Glow of Sunrise

8331_Topeka-Kansas-USA_Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 105 mm, 1-25 sec at f - 22, ISO 50

God answered our prayers for beautiful sunrises and sunsets every day of the CAPTURE Kansas workshop last week! In fact, the last sunrise of the workshop was far beyond what I expected. I scouted Lake Shawnee beforehand and wasn’t overly impressed. However, it was the only good lake in the area so I decided to go there during the workshop anyway. God surprised us big time with mist and interesting subjects to photograph!

Trees of Autumn

8200_Near Dover-Kansas-USA_Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 24 mm, 1-50 sec at f - 5.6, ISO 800

One of the neat things about landscape photography is that you can get good pictures almost anywhere you go. The road above was just a random road we saw off the Native Stone Scenic Byway. The key was that we were there at the right time. Not only the fall colors, but catching them at sunrise is what made the difference.

Calm After the Storm

8297_near Dover-Kansas-USA_Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 88 mm, 1.0 sec at f - 16, ISO 100

We almost didn’t go out to take pictures of the sunset on Friday evening because it had been cloudy, rainy, and even snowy all day long. However, God allowed the sun to pop out for about 5 minutes right as it reached the horizon. Just enough to light up the sky with incredible color! I have found this to be a common phenomenon on rainy days.

CAPTURE Kansas ended on Saturday night. Sunday morning found me on an airplane on my way to Florida. Taking a break from photography related things, I’m spending this week with a team from the Institute in Basic Life Principles to help with a prison Journey to the Heart at the Marion Correctional Institution near Ocala. If it’s related to ministry, it’s something worth being involved with!

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  1. Katie Wilson

    Oh lovely work! Love these photos!

  2. Elizabeth Lindsay

    It certainly is worth it. Praying for y’all down in FL! 🙂
    By the way, I love those pictures too! 😀


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