First Day of Fall Presents . . .

by | Sep 23, 2014 | Updates & Opportunities | 0 comments

Can you guess? What do you think I would be so excited about come one quarter till next year?!

Take a peek at the new Anywhere with Jesus 2015 Lenspiration Calendar! It’s exclusive, it’s a new design, it’s different . . . and it’s totally not politically correct. I’m not ashamed to be associated with the name of Jesus Christ. I want the beauty of the creation I love so much to photograph to bring glory to the Creator, the One who spoke the universe into existence, the God who deserves all praise, glory and honor!


Taking pictures takes me many places. I chose the theme, Anywhere with Jesus, because it reminds me well of the many experiences and opportunities, both expected and unexpected, that God has used to teach me total commitment to Him in the past year. Wherever He leads me, will I follow? In or out of my comfort zone, mountaintop or valley, exciting or “boring” . . . will I go anywhere with Jesus? May the hymns and Scriptures gracing this calendar be a reminder of these truths to you in 2015.

Below are 3 options for ordering the 2015 Lenspiration Calendars. Get a close-up look, view prices, and make purchases at any time by visiting the Lenspiration Store.


1-9 Original Calendars
Buy small quantities of calendars on the Store.



10+ Original Calendars
Get quantity discounts when you buy 10 or more calendars
wholesale on the Store.



Personalize It
Add your own info on the cover, on any day, and on every month by visiting
the Personalized Calendar page on the Store. Quantity discounts also available.


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