Favorite Shots from the Sacramento Photography Team

by | Jul 19, 2017 | Stories & Expeditions | 0 comments

Similar to last year’s Photography Team, it was awesome to see the team at the 2017 Sacramento Family Conference grow from an initial 3 expected photographers to a grand total of 6!


Here are a few of my favorite shots from the team, and why I like them.


Photo by Shannon

I love the simplicity. I love the yellow, green and gray color scheme. I love the serendipitous fact that the wall color happens to match the text on the marker board. I love the fact that it’s such a candid moment and yet each element fits together so perfectly.


Photo by Katlyn

Again, a candid moment full of anticipated motion. The position of the arms, hands and fingers all suggest the impending movement of a turning page! And without having to include within the frame the masses of people she must be sitting amongst, the small amount of blurred elements in the background give just enough narrative to suggest that what she is “reading” must be so captivating that it doesn’t matter to her what other people think (and that it must be an unconventional, and certainly a most uncomfortable, spot to flip through a book).


Photo by Rachel

How can you say you’ve successfully covered a family conference if you don’t have any pictures of actual families? This shot is well exposed for being taken indoors.


Photo by Hannah

How could one not love the vibrant colors and fitting perspective?


Photo by Grace

You can’t go wrong with candid photos of kids, especially when they are trying to smile for the camera while squinting into bright sunlight.

170706-James Staddon_9655

Photo by James

Since most auditoriums are so dark and not all speakers are able to visibly engage their audience, I will seldom spend much time trying to shoot attendees in a general session. But if you happen to have an f/2.8 200mm in your hands and you happen to have a speaker like S. M. Davis presenting expressive slides with every other sentence, well, then your chances of an interesting audience shot are a little higher.

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