Ready to shoot the next real-life photo assignment? Well, here it is!
My first shot over by the fence didn’t work too well, simply because the sun didn’t come out strongly enough. Looking at it later on the computer here, I decided I did like the composition though.
Over by the “path” the sun did come out a little bit more. It still wasn’t quite strong enough, though, to get the “breaking through” effect I wanted.
Even a little work in Photoshop didn’t seem to help it like I was hoping. Not only does it look a little fake, it’s still doesn’t have that strong, “storm clouds rolling away” effect needed for the assignment.
Any Photoshop or GIMP guru's want to take a shot at it?
However, thankfully, after I had checked out the other locations and finished recording the video, the sun did come out nice and strong! I returned to the field by the barn and took a couple more shots. They are much better and should work well for the assignment, though I do wish I had been there right when the sun first came out from behind that bigger storm cloud. With all the little white puffy clouds surrounding the sun, it doesn’t quite look like it’s breaking out from the more stormy-looking clouds, and they distract the viewers eye from looking immediately at the sun. It’s a little “muddy” in it’s overall presentation, but it was certainly worth going back for!
So, now that you know how to do it, do you think you can shoot for this real-life photo assignment, Storm Clouds Breaking? Get all the nitty-gritty details below. Assignment ends August 10!
This would be an excellent opportunity to experiment with the artistic composition technique of Forced Perspective. This is one of my favorite tools in my composition toolbox. I use it all the time, for many genres of photography. Not only does it inherently peak viewer’s interest, it also adds an undeniable sense of depth to your photos. Learn what it is, how it works and how to do it yourself in the latest Lenspiration video tutorial, Using Forced Perspective as an Artistic Composition Technique.